the original series, produced by disney-owned pixar, follows the pickles, a co-ed middle school softball team, as they prepare for their championship game. each of the eight episodes, set to debut on disney+ on february 19, focuses on a different team member.
although the gender identity storyline will no longer feature, the character remains in the show, according to a source familiar with the matter. the decision to remove this plot point was made a few months ago, despite the character’s dialogue already being recorded.
“when it comes to animated content for a younger audience, we recognize that many parents prefer to discuss certain subjects with their children on their own terms and timeline,” disney stated.
the hollywood reporter first broke the news of this decision, which comes amid heightened political scrutiny. following the reelection of former president donald trump, who has been vocal against diversity, equity, and inclusion (dei) initiatives, many companies have adjusted their dei strategies in response to external pressures.
when asked whether removing the storyline could signal disney’s retreat from diversity efforts in anticipation of another trump administration, the company declined to comment.
disney ceo bob iger has previously expressed that the company’s focus is on entertainment rather than delivering messages in its productions. “the term ‘woke’ is thrown around rather liberally,” iger said in an earlier interview. “infusing messaging as a number one priority in our films and tv shows is not what we’re up to. they need to be entertaining.”
disney’s approach to diversity in storytelling has faced controversy in the past. for example, the 2022 toy story prequel lightyear included a same-sex kiss that sparked backlash from conservatives and led to bans in several countries. the scene had initially been cut but was later restored following pushback from pixar staff.
the company has also featured lgbtq representation in adult-oriented content, such as fx’s pose, marvel’s agatha all along, and searchlight pictures’ all of us strangers.
however, disney has faced criticism from conservative groups over its stance on lgbtq issues. in 2022, the company publicly opposed florida’s controversial “don’t say gay” law, which drew accusations of promoting a “woke” agenda.
since returning as disney’s ceo, iger has emphasized the importance of returning to the company’s roots. “our mandate is to entertain audiences,” iger said at the dealbook summit. “if we can infuse positive messages and have a good impact, that’s fantastic, but entertainment should always come first.”