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You're more likely to die early if you have these habits

06.11.2024 06:08 AM
You're more likely to die early if you have these habits
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It’s safe to say that most of us are aware of some of the behaviors that increase risk of death.
We’re talking about things like smoking, sedentarism, and a poor diet.
But what habits in particular can affect our longevity?
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You're more likely to die early if you have these habits
Science has been studying this for a long time and lots of research has been conducted. Of course, causation and correlation come into play when we talk about some of these things. Some activities can actually cause you to live less, but some may just be a coincidence and other aspects may have to be considered.
Spending a lot of time inside
It turns out indoor air is actually more polluted than outdoor air, says the Environmental Protection Agency.
Then there is also the lack of sunlight exposure, which messes up your circadian rhythm and may leave you deficient in vitamin D.
Sitting a lot

Sedentarism can really have an impact on longevity, and sitting a lot is one of the main culprits. This is indeed bad news for those who have to spend the vast majority of their working hours sitting at a desk. Trying to incorporate some breaks to stand for a while, or using a standing desk, may be helpful.

Too little sleep
If you regularly get less than five hours of sleep per night, your risk of death is higher than someone who stays in bed for an extra couple of hours.
Too much sleep
The same goes for those who like to have a lie-in on a regular basis. If you often spend over nine hours in bed each night, then your risk of developing diabetes or coronary heart disease, and consequently dying early, is also higher.
Poor financial management

Being careless with your money can literally cost you years of your life. Careful spending is actually good for your health, whereas the opposite can be bad for your heart.

Not drinking any alcohol

Wine is full of antioxidants, so an occasional glass of wine can do wonders for inflammation. Red wine may also decrease the risk of developing Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

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